Most people in the Inca empire were farmers. Their life was very tough. Some people escaped the farms. Government officials decided who would have what job.
There jobs in the Inca empire that freed you from farming. The Inca had specialized professions. Most of the jobs that freed you from farming were warriors, herders, fishermen, craftsmen, weavers, sorcerers, and chosen women.
Government Official: One such job was to be a government official. Most of those positions were held by the nobles. But occasionally a commoner received a helping hand from a government official.
Sorcerers: The sorcerers were not priests. They were commoners who could cure illness, predict the future, and do other magical things.
Chosen Women: The chosen women were the most beautiful of the young girls, some as young as 10 years old. Some were sacrificed and thrown off the top of a mountain peak, to make the gods happy. Some served as servants to nobles, priests, and even the emperor.
Weavers: The weavers were incredible. The wove feathers into some fabrics. They made wool fabric that was so soft, it felt like silk. Both men and women were weavers. It was the weavers who make the twisted rope used to make bridges. They created unique designs, many of which are still in use today. They were commoners, but they were respected.
Potters: Since the Incas never invented the wheel, including the potter’s wheel, their beautiful pottery was made by hand. The Incas are famous for a weird pot they made that had a pointed bottom. When filled, this pot balanced itself upright; when empty, it laid on its side.
They made bronze by
melting copper and tin together. They mined precious metals.
They made statues, knives, weapons, pins for garments, and