The Incredible Incas - Myths, Legends, and Stories Illustration

Inca Empire for Kids
Myths, Legends, and Stories

Children of the Sun

The Inca Indians lived high in the mountains of Peru in South America. Since the Incas never developed a system of writing, archaeologists must study myths and legends and the artifacts they left behind for clues about the ancient Inca civilization.

Inca Tall Tales: Special "wise men" created stories that were told over and over. They loved tall tales. Inca emperors always did amazing things. Their battles were always bigger than life. The Incas believed in many gods. Some of their stories were about the wondrous feats of their gods. One Inca myth refers to an old man with long white hair, who was really a god. This god lived in a coal sack (the Milky Way). He created the Inca people. Another popular myth tells a story about Manco Capac and Inti, the sun god. In that myth, the sun god created the Inca people.  The story of Manco Capac is still told in Peru today.

Gods and Goddesses: The Inca believed in many gods and goddesses. Some important gods lived in the sky. Others lived at the very top of the moutain peaks they could see in the far distance. Some of those mountain peaks were actually gods in disguise! Everyone in the Inca Empire knew that! Everyone also knew that each family had a personal little god who looked after them. Like all ancient people, the Incas told stories about their gods and goddesses, the reason for things, and their heroes.

Here are just a few of their stories and myths:

The Inca Creation Myth (video for kids)

The Llama Legend

Inca Origin Myth - Mano Capac

Inca Myth - "The Rod of Gold"

Inca Myth - "The Boy Who Rose to the Sky"

Inca Myth - "Why the Fox Has a Huge Mouth"

Inca Myth - "The Mouse Husband"

The Shepherd and the Daughter of the Sun

Inca Religion and Festivals

More about the Incas:

Incas for Kids